Betrayal at House on the Hill 3rd ed (EN)

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The House on the Hill still sits abandoned, and fearless group of explorers has been drawn to the house to discover its dark secrets. Immerse yourself in the narrative gameplay as you take on the role of one of those explorers. The Betrayal at House on the Hill 3rd Edition cooperative board game includes 50 chilling haunts and dozens of danger-filled rooms that will terrify even the strongest among you. At first you'll work together, but beware…one explorer will betray the others and then the haunt Begins.

Wichtiger Hinweis
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr wegen verschluckbarer Kleinteile.

Alter: Ab 12 Jahren
Genre: Fantasy
Spieldauer: Ab 60 Minuten
Spieleranzahl ab: 3 Spieler
Spieleranzahl bis: 6 Spieler
Spielart: Kooperativ & Semikooperativ Würfelspiele
Sprache: Englisch

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